

Nobody knows, nobody sees it,
I sit here with my demons, night after night,
They whisper sly things in my ears,
They want me to scream and they want me to shout,
They want me to break things but don’t tell me why?
My mood plummets down, even lower than before,
All the way to rock bottom, a familiar scenario.
I have seen a lot in my life,
And had a fair amount of pain,
I’ve lost the ones I loved,
And been stabbed in the back by a friend,
They will stay here forever these demons,
They hide away in the sunlight,
They live in my shadow you see.
And only come out at night.
Nobody knows anything at all,
Nobody sees the silent tears that fall,
As I lay here feeling cold, in this bed all alone,
With only my demons for company,
They grip at my soul, as fresh tears fall,
Although nobody sees it, nobody knows, nobody cares at all.
Written by: Katie Clarke 2021


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