Round and round

 Round and round.

Round and round we go, Up this spiral staircase,
Where does it stop? Nobody knows,
Just take each step as it comes,
Look how far you’ve already gotten,
I’ve seen the world of hate, but you don’t have to feed it,
Be kind, be gentle, think positive,
Give out love and it will come back to you.
It’s ok to slip back a few steps
Or slide right down, past the ground,
All the way to rock bottom,
I’m here to ask, please pack up and don’t stay.
If you’re tired, take a seat I will stay beside you,
We can sit in silence if needed, or laugh and play,
Or cry on my shoulder, it’s here if you need it,
Then when you are ready, we can start the climb again,
Let’s go hand in hand until we feel the heat on our faces and the wind or hair,
Just take one step at a time and please know,
I’m always around to help you when you need it.
Written by: Katie Clarke 2021


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