

The primitive traits given as primates 

Tells us to either fuck it or kill it

You have to be willing to learn the rest 

Like faith and common sense 

Although those that learn these traits

Suffer more than most

They understand that the people in power 

Are the vilest criminals of all.

They tell us pure shit on the news 

Like ‘we won’t raise taxes’

Ha, I could fertilize a field with all that spew

What bull that was, at least now the public know it too

Then you say dumb comments like 

‘Don’t panic’ huh, Excuse me, but

With the mass of bodies that follow you

What the fuck did you think they were gonna do?

You have to have a licence to watch TV

Here’s a big Fuck You! I don’t watch the BBC

They enable this shit show that we call the present day

Putting dirty pedo’s on our screens

Take money off poor families 

As they smile and say

‘You watch your cake shows’

While we fuck up this land and tell you how to live

‘Here watch this show about dancers’

While we pass this law you didn’t want

Or even know existed. 

The greedy run this world

While the majority are in the dust

Having to watch their kids go hungry and live in poverty

While you go out and buy a four grand rug

Then you show your three thousand pound phone

But yet, you can’t help the kid by giving a quid

To get some food in him

What a fucking prick.

Written By: Katie Clarke


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